(704) 528-3517
Hours: 9:00am - 4pm every day!
Closed 12-1pm for lunch
K9 Cabins & Dog Trails, Inc.
552 Flower House Loop
Troutman, NC 28166

Jessica Pelletier
Jessica has been with us since 2005!
Her love for dogs is out of this world. She owns 5 of her own dogs and is the most reliable employee anyone could ask for. She is hard working, patient, sweet and LOVE LOVES LOVES the dogs and our human customers. She likes to hike and spend time riding motorcycles and playing with her pups!

Kendra Ballantine
Kendra has been with us since July, 2014!
She loves spending time with our customers and only works part time and enjoys doing night time walk to tuck the dogs and give them their nighttime treat before bed. She has a wonderful husband a little boy and 3 adorable little girls!

Skyler Smith
This is our daughter! She has 4 dogs of her own! She volunteers at the cabins when she has time! She LOVES dogs! Her other passions are tap, ballet and gaming!

Brianna Upchurch
Brianna joined our Pet Crew in January 2019. She is great with the dogs and loves to love on them. She fits right in with our crazy pet crew. The K9 Kids just love her spunk and so do we! She has 4 dogs of her own, 1 hamster and 2 cats. She likes to game and be a viking (LOL) in her spare time and spend time with her longtime boyfriend and daughter!

The Smith Family